Why study Biblical Hebrew?
There is no language like Biblical Hebrew. The earliest roots of this ancient Semitic language go back over 4000 years. In fact, many have called Biblical Hebrew loshan hakodesh or the holy tongue.
The Hebrew Bible has been a primary source for many academic fields of study. Archaeology, epigraphy, history, theology, geography, poetry, law, and literature have all been greatly impacted by the power of Biblical Hebrew.
I invite you to join us on a quest to search out the many mysteries and powerful insights that can only be found in the original language of the Bible, loshan hakodesh. G-d is faithful to those who search for Him. Let our testimony be consistent with that of the psalmist who said, “I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil!”
Our Programs
Lectures will consist of two parts, Biblical Hebrew vocabulary and lessons and insights from the weekly Parashas (Torah portions). The quick answer to the question, “What are weekly Parashas?” is “It’s the Torah Portion of the Week.”
The Torah (Hebrew for “the teachings”) is the name given to the Five Books of Moses which come at the very beginning of the Bible. Every lesson and principle found throughout scripture, has its roots in the Torah.
We go through the year, reading the entire Torah Scroll from end to end. From the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Deuteronomy. The beginnings of this custom go back into the mists of history – we don’t know exactly when Jews began studying a regular portion of Torah each week, but all over the world, Jews continue to do it. Some do it alone, but more gather weekly in groups for “Parashat Hashavua study.”
As you go through the levels of Biblical Hebrew Academy Online, we will work through the weekly Parashas to uncover the deep truths of the word of God.
Level 100
In the Parashas we will cover Genesis chapter one through Exodus chapter twenty-four. We will also seek to find how these lessons apply to our own lives as believers in the One True G-d. Each week we will add Biblical Hebrew words to your vocabulary.
Level 200
Continue learning new vocabulary and further develop your Hebrew Literacy. Parashas Terumah (Exodus 25:1) - Parashas Korach (Numbers 18:32)
Level 300
Continue development of vocabulary along with Hebrew verb forms and grammar. Parashas Devarim through Vezot HaBerachah. Also an in-depth look at the Book of Ruth.

We are excited to be an affiliate of the eTeacher group!
Through this affiliation, we are happy to announce three new courses that you can enroll in from the Biblical Hebrew Academy Online website! The teachers will be from some of the most prestigious institutions for Biblical Languages in the world including; Rosen School of Hebrew, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies. These classes will equip you in both your Bible study with Biblical Greek and Aramaic as well as gaining proficiency in modern spoken Hebrew.